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The World of the Play
Setting: New England, Spring 1935


Gender & feminism:















Historical events:

1928: Steamboat Willie opens

1929: Beginning of the Great Depression

1931: The Empire State Building opens

1932: Franklin D. Roosevelt elected president

1933: New Deal, end of the Great Depression

1933: Prohibition ends

1935: Social Security Act



Northeast region of the United States including Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island



Upper-class girls and women were afforded academic opportunities, including higher education in some cases. Despite this, they were still discouraged from appearing too smart because that was socially unacceptable for their sex. Women of all classes were pressured to have children rather than going to college. 


Creation: New York, 1977​

Gender & feminism:

The Women's Rights Movement gained traction during the 1960s and 1970s


Second wave feminism — sought equal rights in politics, employment, sexuality, and personal freedom


1963: The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, written to challenge the limitation of women to the domestic sphere



The Sexual Revolution (1960s-1980s) advocated for liberation in personal relationships and sexual agency


Acknowledgement of previously taboo topics: nudity, pornography, contraceptives, masturbation, abortion, masturbation





Historical events:

1969: Woodstock

1970: Kent State shooting

1972-1974: Watergate scandal

1973: Roe v. Wade 

1975: Vietnam War ends


Protest after Siege of Mecca, 1979

Anchor 1

María Irene Fornés

May 14, 1930 – October 30, 2018


Cuban-American playwright and director


Focus on experimental theatre, absurdism, and the avant-garde

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Anchor 2

In the 1960s, Fornés led the theatrical movement that sought to break the artistic rules of the past. She believes Fefu is meant to be felt rather than understood, which is supported by its nearly plotless nature. 


Never finished high school, but was educated

in painting and abstract act


Popular works:

  • Promenade (1965)

  • The Successful Life of 3 (1965)

  • Fefu and Her Friends (1977)

  • Mud (1983)

  • Sarita (1984)

  • And What of the Night?  (1990)

  • Letters from Cuba (2000)

The Playwright
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